Benefits of Composting
By : Upma Gupta

In our legendary approach towards curbing the grave issue of garbage we have come up with the perfect solution to reuse kitchen leftovers by composting all the kitchen wastes. The process is easily doable and can be executed in any household, however smaller is the space; all we need is a pit or a bin with air passages where we can layer the green organic wastes the brown leaves and dead branches of trees and apt amount of water. But you might think why take all that trouble, isn’t nature in itself enriching to grow veggies in our native soils. It is, surely nature would make natural forests but that’s a matter of time. What composting does is fastens the procedure and scientifically engineers the growth of the crops providing it the right amount of nutrition. So let’s check out what could be the possible benefits of composting.
First and foremost it enriches the soil and it helps retaining the moisture of the soil. It also helps eradicating diseases and pests.
If we use natural composts we don’t need harmful pesticides and our food grown out of it is devoid of any harmful effect that pesticides might carry.
- The composting procedure helps generating beneficial bacteria and fungi that helps the breaking down procedure of the organic matter to create humus, a nutrient rich material.
- But most of all how it affects our environment is that it stops the organic matters to go to the landfills and in the process it helps reducing the methane emissions in our landfills, it also lowers your carbon footprint.

These are just the flashing points. We encourage you to work through the composting procedure and you will come across a number of benefits to use composts in landfills. Once you cook your home grown fresh veggies, and get into a farm-table-compost-farm cycle you will know even farming can be addictive and regenerative. It’s a 100% regenerative procedure. Try it.
#Composting #Basic #HowToCompost #Compost #Green #Organic #Homegrown #FreshVeggies #Healthy #DoItYourself #TryItAtHome #GreenVeggies #TryComposting #FutureFarming #Farming #Plants #Eco-Friendly #Environment #Garbage #Garden #GarbageToGarden
Posted on June 30, 2017